
It was very sad to be leaving their home planet, Oggle, as Wiggle, Woggle, Tiggle, Giggle and Poggle began to board the wiggleship for their long and unknown journey ahead.

With excitement, Giggle was the first to waddle aboard, promptly hiding behind one of the five large chairs in the control room. Wiggle board next, and sat ready at the ships controls, being the only sensible one amongst them.

Tiggle followed and was being bossy as normal and clapping hands in the process. ‘Come along zoonies! Choppy choppy!’  Woggle was behind and appeared to get slower and slower up the ramp. ‘Come along Woggle! You’re day dreaming again.’ Tiggle ordered.

Poggle was the last one to board the ship and couldn’t get past Woggle who decided to have a restful sit down half way up the ramp.

‘Trust me to get stuck behind Woggle! Why do we have to go on this ship anyway? Why couldn’t I be the first one aboard..?’

‘Stop moaning Poggle!’ replied Tiggle. ‘You look much uglier when you moan!’


Eventually, a slow Woggle and a very grumpy Poggle finally came on board the wiggle ship. Suddenly, Giggle jumped up out from behind the chair making funny noises, with ears and fingers wiggling around at Poggle, causing Poggle to jump in fright.

‘Huh! Silly zoonie!’ groaned Poggle, then plonked heavily into the chair. Poggle then turned around and wiggled his enormous bottom.

‘zoonies, settle down.’ Asked Wiggle looking serious. ‘We have a very long and dangerous journey ahead of us.’

‘Arrhhh!’ yawned Woggle, and with head to one side, promptly fell asleep.


The wiggle ship began to shake as it raised high into the air and flew away from their home planet. The Zoonies waved goodbye to their planet from out the windows, watching their planet getting smaller and smaller as they flew away into the blackness above.

Their lives would never be the same again now that the entire zoonie nation now had to find a new planet to live on after the nasty Wogglebot aliens decided to invade their planet and force them to leave their homes.


But where would they go..?

Some planets were uninhabitable, some very unfriendly with nasty aliens and others were just too far away for The Zoonies to travel to. They had no idea as to where they were going. ‘We shall just have to see what planets we come across.’ Said Wiggle to the others.

Off they flew amongst the stars, dodging asteroids and waving at other spaceships as they flew by.


They ventured deeper and deeper into outer space.

Each planet that they had passed in the Milky Way solar system, didn’t contain oxygen for The Zoonies to breathe, only dangerous gases.

Other planets didn’t have water to drink, only poisonous lakes and rivers.

After many days of flying through space and dodging even more asteroids, their ships solar power began to run very low indeed.

‘We need to re-charge the wiggle ship up with more sunlight very soon, we do.’ Wiggle said. The other zoonies looked alarmed. ‘We are running out of power.’


The wiggle ship began to make chugging and spluttering noises. The power level was now reading empty. They were going to crash!

‘Oh no! What are we to do!’ they cried. Wiggle kept to cool head and began to steer the wiggle ship towards the nearest planet to them.

As they got nearer and nearer, the planet become even more beautiful with light blue oceans and what looked like green and lush islands.

‘This planet will support life.’ Wiggle announced. ‘Let us hope the aliens are friendly to us! Hold on tight zoonies – we are going in!’

With that, The Zoonies held onto their seats as the wiggle ship began it’s hot and firey entrance as it travelled through the plant’s atmosphere. The wiggle ship shook so much, that The Zoonies kept sliding out of their chairs!

Unbeknown to them, they were entering Earth’s atmosphere. Suddenly the ship stopped shaking and all went quiet as the roaring sound stopped. They were now floating through white fluffy clouds.

With all the wiggle ship’s power now gone, all Wiggle could do was to steer the ship towards land.

‘Hold on zoonies. We are going to CRASH!!!’ cried out Wiggle.

‘Arrrrhhhh!..’ Thump.


Unbeknown to The Zoonies, they had crash landed in a quiet seaside town called ‘Wonky-On-Sea. With all The Zoonies safe but with bruised bottoms, they lowered the ship’s space ramp down onto the green grass below.

The door to the ship opened and The Zoonies each took a deep breath of fresh air which was very welcome.


The Zoonies although excited, were nervous. Everything was so big and strange to them.

Ready to explore, they began to waddle their way to the nearest house across the grass from the wiggle ship. They knock on the door using their big bottoms. 

The Zoonies, being new to this strange planet, didn’t know that they could use the knuckles on their hands to knock on the door as the correct way to do.

So they used their bottoms instead.

A rather startled looking woman answered the door.

‘We like your house. May we have it please?’ asked The Zoonies. ‘No’ she replied. ‘You will have to go to Bluff, the Estate Agent in the high street.’ She pointed in the direction.

‘Thank you!’ they replied and so off they wiggled towards the high street. They didn’t know what shop to look for, so they wiggled into a Green Grocers.

‘We would like a house please.’ They ask.

The man in the shop shakes his head. ‘Bluff the Estate Agents mate – next door.’ Replied the man.

So The Zoonies waddle together into the Estate Agents next door – but instead enter a Hairdressing salon! Frightened by the loud noises coming from the hair dryers, The Zoonies promptly run outside in fright.

Finally The Zoonies waddle together into Bluffs the Estate Agents. Found it at last!

‘Hello! We would like to buy a house please.’ Ask The Zoonies.

The estate agent looks very happy indeed and appears very helpful as he swings around in his chair to greet them.

‘Hello you chaps! I’m Billy Bluff. Like to buy a house, would you? I have just the property you are looking for!’ replied Mr Bluff, rubbing his hands together.


The Zoonies ask to see a variety of places to live, as The Zoonies have no idea as to the type of place that would suit them best.

The Wiggles are shown around a castle.

‘TOO BIG!’ they say.


Then they are shown around a tiny one room up, one room down house.

‘TOO SMALL!’ they say.


Then they are shown around the very top floor of a high rise flat. The lift wasn’t working, and so The Zoonies and Mr Bluff had to struggle up forty flights of stairs! All The Zoonies agreed when they finally reached the top – ‘TOO HIGH! Also, there is nowhere to park our wiggle ship.’ They said.


The Zoonies are then shown a semi-detached house down a quiet cul-de-sac. They all agree that the house is perfect for the. There was even a garden at the back for them to park their wiggle ship in.

As Mr Bluff shows The Zoonies around the house, a small wrinkly woman wearing very bright clothes pops her head around the side of the front door.

‘Hewwo. I’m Mrs Wummy. I live next woor.’ She announced in a peculiar way. ‘I’m sorry – I haven’t got my weeth in’ she said. Her real name is Mrs Gummy but she was unable to pronounce it.

‘MEOW!’ A large grey fluffy cat  suddenly appears through the corner of the opened door, and wanders into the hallway where The Zoonies and Mr Bluff are standing and purrs at The Zoonies.

‘This is Woppy, my wat.’ She says. The cat’s name was actually Floppy, but again Mrs Gummy was unable to pronounce it properly.

‘We will have this house, thank you.’ Said The Zoonies, all shaking their heads at once, not realising they should be noddfing instead.

‘We will make our new home here.’ Said Wiggle to the others.

The Zoonies were now so happy to have found a new home, and they began to wiggle their ears and big wobbly bottoms in excitement.

Mr Billy Bluff rubbed his hands together, happy to make a sale to such happy customer’s.

The Zoonies handed Mr Billy Bluff the Earth money that the wiggle ship had produced for them. The Zoonies had been very busy working on their planet Oggle and had saved up their Oggle wads.

They also handed Mr Billy Bluff a big surprise bag as a thank you for helping them

‘Aww, more money!’ he thought, but when he opened it, it was full of cabbages, brussell sprouts and carrots , which were very precious foods from the planet Oggle.


Mr Billy Bluff handed The Zoonies the keys to the house, not realising it was for opening and closing the front door.

‘Thank you very much!’ they said, and thinking that iot was a present, place it on the ground and started to wiggle dance around it.

‘zoonies!’ said Mrs Gummy. ‘You use the wee to unlock the woor!’

Silly zoonies!

Mrs Gummy showed them how to lock and unlock the front door.


They were now ready to start their new life in their new home on their new home planet.


The Zoonies now resided at No 8, Wobbly Way, Wonky-On-Sea.